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Matthew Peter

Our Chief Economist's view

"It’s been impressive to see central banks achieve the seemingly unattainable ‘soft landing’. Now, with inflation falling, we see rate cuts are on the way with two 25 basis point cuts from the Federal Reserve, Bank of England and the European Central Bank over the second half of 2024. The Australian economy is currently traversing its weakest point in the growth cycle with brighter prospects in the second half of the year.

In this Global Economic Outlook, we look at the global and Australian outlooks, as well as those for the US, UK, Euro and China."

Dr Matthew Peter, QIC Chief Economist

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Allison Hill, 2024

Our CIO's view

"Despite more favourable near-term market conditions, uncertainty lingers in the form of geopolitical, demographic and trade dynamics.  

For investors with a view to the longer-term, the best portfolio offence remains diversification. 

Our portfolio construction continues to evolve - growing geographical diversification, incorporating non-directional alternative strategies, and judiciously extending private market strategies which offer risk-adjusted returns, inflation protection and targeted access to key thematics."

Allison Hill, QIC State Chief Investment Officer