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Australian Outlook

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  • The Australian economy is expected to avoid recession, but slow to just 1.3% growth in 2024
  • Consumer spending will be tepid given intense cost-of-living pressures, but this is mitigated by still-high levels of excess savings built up during COVID, strong population growth and a robust financial sector
  • A modest recovery toward trend is forecast moving through 2025 as inflation and interest rate pressures ease and the government delivers tax and cost-of-living support to households


  • Headline inflation is slowing as traded goods prices ease and governments ramp up cost-of-living subsidies
  • Services inflation remains uncomfortably high and is likely to remain sticky in the short term due to strength in unit labour costs (rising wages and weak productivity) and tight rental markets
  • However, QIC expects inflation to ease back within the RBA’s target range in 2025 as capacity constraints ease

Monetary policy

  • The RBA has raised rates from 0.1% to 4.35% over 18 months to November 2023 and needs to keep rates in restrictive territory in the near term
  • Slowing GDP growth and rising unemployment, combined with a slowing in inflation towards target, should allow the RBA to commence a modest easing cycle from late 2024


Australian Outlook highlights:


Australia to avoid recession, but growth is tepid in 2024

Outlook more similar to the GFC slowdown than the 1990/91 recession


Australia - Real GDP growth (% annual average)Source: Refinitive, QIC. Note: Grey shading represent QIC forecasts


Core inflation is forecast to move below 3% by mid 2025

The last mile of inflation progress will be slow

Australia - CPI inflation (% y/y)Source: Refinitiv, QIC. Note: Grey shading represents QIC forecasts


Monetary policy easing is on the cards for late 2024, but the easing cycle will be shallow

As the RBA attempts to balance the narrow path trading off inflation and unemployment

Australia - RBA official cash rate (%)Source: Refinitiv, Bloomberg, RBA, QIC. Note: Red line denotes QIC forecast


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Australian Outlook

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