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For decades, Australia has stood out as a beacon of certainty in an ever-changing world, outpacing global peers in growth, innovation and way of life. 


Its stability, strong institutions and robust financial system cements Australia’s appeal as an investment safe haven. But Australia is more than this. It’s a resource-rich nation and renewable energy powerhouse, with thriving commerce and retail sectors and a vibrant innovation ecosystem. 

As a global asset manager and Queensland's sovereign investor, with 35 years’ experience in managing a diverse portfolio of Australian assets and exposures, we partner with our clients to unlock Australia’s immense potential. 


Australia at a glance

"From geopolitical tensions to climate change, an asset allocator can navigate an increasingly complex world by seeking diversification in countries like Australia, which offers robust institutions and high growth rates."

Ravi Sriskandarajah
Executive Director, Client Solutions and Capital



A deep understanding of the Australian investment landscape

From our origins with a single, inaugural client – the Queensland Government – we have grown into one of Australia’s largest asset managers. For more than 30 years, we have used our intimate knowledge of the Australian investment landscape to unlock investment opportunities for our clients across Infrastructure, Real Estate, Liquid Markets, Private Equity, Agriculture, and Private Debt.

  • We operate offices in Australia’s three largest capital cities, with a dedicated team of 870 staff located across the country.
  • We manage 16 globally significant infrastructure assets in Australia and New Zealand, including A$7.6 billion in energy transition assets.
  • We manage ~40 real estate assets across the east coast of Australia, including some of the country’s busiest shopping centres, prime office buildings, and productive industrial assets.
  • We are leaders in the Queensland startup ecosystem, leveraging deep networks with government, world-class universities and research institutes, accelerators, and VC funds.
  • We own a majority interest in ~6 million hectares of agricultural land across 14 pastoral properties in 2 Australian states. 
  • We are one of Australia’s most experienced liquid markets operators, managing over A$23 billion in cash and fixed income assets.


"Australian credit markets are now deeper and more liquid, offering premiums against major markets like the US, resulting in a surge of offshore investor interest."

Beverley Morris
Head of Liquid Markets Group


  1.  International Monetary Fund, 2024.
  2. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2024.
  3. UBS Global Wealth Report, 2024.
  4. UBS Global Wealth Report, 2024.
  5. Australia’s Identified Mineral Resources, 2025. Geoscience Australia, 2023. Copper.
  6. Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), 2024.
  7. EY, 2024. Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index, 2023.
  8. International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme, 2024. Trends in PV Applications, 2024.


All data as at 31 December 2024, unless otherwise stated.

QIC Limited ACN 130 539 123 (“QIC”) is a wholesale funds manager, and its products and services are not directly available to, and this document may not be provided to any, retail clients. QIC is a company government owned corporation constituted under the Queensland Investment Corporation Act 1991 (QLD). QIC is also regulated by State Government legislation pertaining to government owned corporations in addition to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (“Corporations Act”). QIC does not hold an Australian financial services (“AFS”) licence and certain provisions (including the financial product disclosure provisions) of the Corporations Act do not apply to QIC. Other wholly owned subsidiaries of QIC do hold AFS licences and are required to comply with relevant provisions of the Corporations Act. QIC also has wholly owned subsidiaries authorised, registered or licensed by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”), the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and the Korean Financial Services Commission.

For more information about QIC, our approach, clients and regulatory framework, please refer to our website or contact us directly.

The statements and any opinions in this document (the “Information”) are of a general nature and for commentary purposes only and do not take into account any investor’s personal, financial or tax objectives, situation or needs. The Information is not intended to constitute and should not be relied on as personal legal or investment advice and it does not constitute, and should not be construed as, an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy, securities or any other investment, investment management or advisory services. This document is subject to the QIC Disclaimer and website access terms and conditions.