This section contains the information and links that QIC as a GOC makes publicly available under the Release of Information Publication Scheme.
Contact us for all enquiries and requests in relation to QIC's compliance with this scheme.
As a GOC, QIC is committed to supporting the Queensland Government in its proactive initiative to increase publication of information relating to GOCs. As one of Australia's largest wholesale fund managers, QIC operates within a highly competitive and heavily regulated environment and is required to compete with private sector providers. Therefore, to the extent possible (bearing in mind commercially sensitive information, privacy principles and the public interest), QIC will ensure that the information and level of disclosure contained in the Publications Scheme remains relevant and up to date. Any information that is accessed through the Publication Scheme is also subject to the QIC Disclaimer and website access terms and conditions.
- QIC investment capabilities
- QIC thought leadership
- Investment services fees are negotiated with each client based on their investment objectives and their specific service needs
- QIC provides fund administration services for the State of Queensland’s Business Development Fund
- QIC news & insights
- Corporate policies
- Audit results are contained in the QIC annual reports